How to Take Care of Cats To Be Fat Dense and Healthy Fur
Not only are thoroughbred cats such as Persian and Anggora cats, but village cats also have fat bodies that look cute and adorable. On this occasion maniakucing will provide a fairly effective way for cats to get fat quickly and have good and healthy hair. Let's take a look at the full information about Caring for Cats to Be Fat and Healthy below:
1. Proper feeding so that cats are fat
One factor that is quite supportive to make your beloved cat look fatter and denser hair is food. Choose a food that is nutritious enough for your favorite cute cat.
For example cat biscuits, not all cats like these cat-made biscuits. If your cat doesn't like cat biscuits, you can be prepared by mixing dagin food. This can be done so that the appetite for food is increasing.
However, catlovers also do not give meat food to cats too often because later cats will be lazy to eat or already dependent on the food. Therefore, try to give cat biscuits or dry food that is special for cats so that the cat's body is not too fat or obisitas.
Also note, do not give too much salted fish to cats as it can make their hair fall out. Especially in thoroughbred cats such as Persian cats and Anggora cats because they are quite sensitive to the food they consume.
Kucign Food Recommendations For Fat Cats, Dense and Healthy Fur
Everything related to your cat's health and your cat's obesity will always be related to cat food, because the influence of cat food on their growth is very significant indeed. The wide variety of cat food now available in the market has different features with their own characteristics. Proplan for example, which is high in protein so it is considered suitable to make a cat fat. Meanwhile, if you want to slow down your cat's fur, there's no harm in trying Royal Canin. But make no mistake, if you still want to choose Royal Canin there is a variant that is specially designed to faten cats, called Royal Canin Exigent.
Benefits of Royal Canin Exigent one of which makes cats fat, dense and healthy fur :
– Increase your cat's appetite
For those of you who have a kitten cat does not seem to be able to use this french product, because, Royal Canin Exigent is only available for adult cats. Royal Canin releases two forms of food in this version, aiming to make it easier for cats to consume them.
Interestingly, this cat food emits a very pleasant aroma so that it can shake your cat's tongue, the delicious aroma is deliberately made to invite your cat's appetite so that it will eat again and again, but remember obesity is also not good for your cat's health, so keep control of your cat's diet.
– Take care of your cat's fur
In addition to increasing appetite, Royal Canin Exigent also has special features to take care of cat hair so that it makes it smoother and denser, but the product is focused on weight.
Besides being famous for its interesting features, Royal Canin is also famous for its quite expensive price. But don't worry, you can buy repack version or 400gr version. For this smallest version, you only need to spend $5
You don't need to make Royal Canin Exigent the main menu of cat food, just give it occasionally by mixing it into your cat's main menu, thus this delicious aroma will invite your cat's tongue to eat it that you provide with the Royal Canin Exigent blend.
2. Vitamin Giving Fish Oil
Vitamin fish oil is not only beneficial for humans, but also efficacious for cats. Catlovers can get it at the nearest petshop in your city. Cats that are given fish oil will have a positive impact on their fur, which is increasingly shiny and makes the cat's hair healthy.
How to give fish oil to a cat is also not very difficult. You can prepare it by mixing it into the food. This will make fish oil enter the cat's body and the fur will grow well and his body is healthy.
Your favorite cute cat becomes fatter or contains quite adorable but is his health awake? for that, catlovers should pay attention to it by giving vaccines to cats. In addition to maintaining health, vaccines are also one of the ways that cats do not get sick easily and save catlovers expenses because it is better to prevent than to treat.
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